Learning to Classify Text using Support Vector Machines

Methods, Theory, and Algorithms

Thorsten Joachims
Cornell University
Department of Computer Science
eMail: tj@cs.cornell.edu

Kluwer Academic Publishers / Springer
May 2002
ISBN 0-7923-7679-X
224 pages

[B&N] [Amazon] [Kluwer/Springer]


Text Classification, or the task of automatically assigning semantic categories to natural language text, has become one of the key methods for organizing online information. Since hand-coding classification rules is costly or even impractical, most modern approaches employ machine learning techniques to automatically learn text classifiers from examples. However, none of these conventional approaches combines good prediction performance, theoretical understanding, and efficient training algorithms.

Based on ideas from Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines presents a new approach to generating text classifiers from examples. The approach combines high performance and efficiency with theoretical understanding and improved robustness. In particular, it is highly effective without greedy heuristic components. The SVM approach is computationally efficient in training and classification, and it comes with a learning theory that can guide real-world applications.

Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines gives a complete and detailed description of the SVM approach to learning text classifiers, including training algorithms, transductive text classification, efficient performance estimation, and a statistical learning model of text classification. In addition, it includes an overview of the field of text classification, making it self-contained even for newcomers to the field. This book gives a concise introduction to SVMs for pattern recognition, and it includes a detailed description of how to formulate text-classification tasks for machine learning.

Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines is designed as a reference for researchers and practitioners, and is suitable as a secondary text for graduate-level students in Computer Science within Machine Learning and Language Technology.  

Table of Content


Prof. Tom Mitchell and Prof. Katharina Morik xi

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xv

Notation xvii

1 Challenges 2
2 Goals 3
3 Overview and Structure of the Argument 4
3.1 Theory 4
3.2 Methods 5
3.3 Algorithms 6
4 Summary 6

1 Learning Task 7
1.1 Binary Setting 8
1.2 Multi-Class Setting 9
1.3 Multi-Label Setting 10
2 Representing Text 12
2.1 Word Level 13
2.2 Sub-Word Level 15
2.3 Multi-Word Level 15
2.4 Semantic Level 16
3 Feature Selection 16
3.1 Feature Subset Selection 17
3.2 Feature Construction 19
4 Term Weighting 20
5 Conventional Learning Methods 22
5.1 Naive Bayes Classifier 22
5.2 Rocchio Algorithm 24
5.3 k-Nearest Neighbors 25
5.4 Decision Tree Classifier 25
5.5 Other Methods 26
6 Performance Measures 27
6.1 Error Rate and Asymmetric Cost 28
6.2 Precision and Recall 29
6.3 Precision/Recall Breakeven Point and -Measure 30
6.4 Micro- and Macro-Averaging 30
7 Experimental Setup 31
7.1 Test Collections 31
7.2 Design Choices 32

1 Linear Hard-Margin SVMs 36
2 Soft-Margin SVMs 39
3 Non-Linear SVMs 41
4 Asymmetric Misclassification Cost 43
5 Other Maximum-Margin Methods 43
6 Further Work and Further Information 44

Part Theory

1 Properties of Text-Classification Tasks 46
1.1 High-Dimensional Feature Space 46
1.2 Sparse Document Vectors 47
1.3 Heterogeneous Use of Terms 47
1.4 High Level of Redundancy 48
1.5 Frequency Distribution of Words and Zipf’s Law 49
2 A Discriminative Model of Text Classification 51
2.1 Step 1: Bounding the Expected Error Based on the Margin 51
2.2 Step 2: Homogeneous TCat-Concepts as a Model of Text-Classification Tasks 53
2.3 Step 3: Learnability of TCat-Concepts 59
3 Comparing the Theoretical Model with Experimental Results 64
4 Sensitivity Analysis: Difficult and Easy Learning Tasks 66
4.1 Influence of Occurrence Frequency 66
4.2 Discriminative Power of Term Sets 68
4.3 Level of Redundancy 68
5 Noisy TCat-Concepts 69
6 Limitations of the Model and Open Questions 72
7 Related Work 72
8 Summary and Conclusions 74

1 Generic Performance Estimators 76
1.1 Training Error 76
1.2 Hold-Out Testing 77
1.3 Bootstrap and Jackknife 78
1.4 Cross-Validation and Leave-One-Out 79
2 xi/alpha-Estimators 81
2.1 Error Rate 82
2.2 Recall, Precision, and  89
3 Fast Leave-One-Out Estimation 93
4 Experiments 94
4.1 How Large are Bias and Variance of the xi/alpha-Estimators? 95
4.2 What is the Influence of the Training Set Size? 99
4.3 How Large is the Efficiency Improvement for Exact Leave-One-Out? 101
5 Summary and Conclusions 102

Part Methods

1 Learning Task 104
2 Automatic Model and Parameter Selection 105
2.1 Leave-One-Out Estimator of the PRBEP 106
2.2 xi/alpha-Estimator of the PRBEP 106
2.3 Model-Selection Algorithm 108
3 Experiments 108
3.1 Word Weighting, Stemming and Stopword Removal 108
3.2 Trading Off Training Error vs. Complexity 111
3.3 Non-Linear Classification Rules 113
3.4 Comparison with Conventional Methods 113
4 Related Work 116
5 Summary and Conclusions 117

1 Learning Task 120
2 Transductive Support Vector Machines 121
3 What Makes TSVMs well Suited for Text Classification? 123
3.1 An Intuitive Example 123
3.2 Transductive Learning of TCat-Concepts 125
4 Experiments 127
5 Constraints on the Transductive Hyperplane 130
6 Relation to Other Approaches Using Unlabeled Data 133
6.1 Probabilistic Approaches using EM 133
6.2 Co-Training 134
6.3 Other Work on Transduction 139
7 Summary and Conclusions 139

Part Algorithms

1 Problem and Approach 142
2 General Decomposition Algorithm 143
3 Selecting a Good Working Set 145
3.1 Convergence 145
3.2 How to Compute the Working Set 146
4 Shrinking: Reducing the Number of Variables 146
5 Efficient Implementation 148
5.1 Termination Criteria 148
5.2 Computing the Gradient and the Termination Criteria Efficiently 149
5.3 What are the Computational Resources Needed in each Iteration? 150
5.4 Caching Kernel Evaluations 151
5.5 How to Solve the QP on the Working Set 152
6 Related Work 152
7 Experiments 154
7.1 Training Times for Reuters, WebKB, and Ohsumed 154
7.2 How does Training Time Scale with the Number of Training Examples? 154
7.3 What is the Influence of the Working-Set-Selection Strategy? 160
7.4 What is the Influence of Caching? 161
7.5 What is the Influence of Shrinking? 161
8 Summary and Conclusions 162

1 Problem and Approach 163
2 The TSVM Algorithm 165
3 Analysis of the Algorithm 166
3.1 How does the Algorithm work? 166
3.2 Convergence 168
4 Experiments 169
4.1 Does the Algorithm Effectively Maximize Margin? 169
4.2 Training Times for Reuters, WebKB, and Ohsumed 170
4.3 How does Training Time Scale with the Number of Training Examples? 170
4.4 How does Training Time Scale with the Number of Test Examples? 172
5 Related Work 172
6 Summary and Conclusions 174


11. Open Question 177

Bibliography 180

Appendix: SVM-Light Commands and Options 197

Index 203


  • Page 18: A "log" is missing in Equation (2.9). The formula for mutual information should read  
    I(Y,W) & = & H(Y) - H(Y|W) \\
    & = & \sum_{y\in \{-1,+1\}}\sum_{w\in \{0,1\}}\Pr(y,w) log\left(\frac{\Pr(y,w)}{\Pr(y)\Pr(w)}\right)
  • Page 21: In Table 2.1 the abbreviation for the 2nd collection component row is not "t", but "f".
  • Page 32: The number of test examples for the WebKB collection is 226, not 229.


Thorsten Joachims is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. In 2001 he finished his Ph. D. as a student of Prof. Morik at the AI-unit of the University of Dortmund, from where he also received a Diplom in Computer Science in 1997. Between 2000 and 2001 he worked as a PostDoc at the GMD in the Knowledge Discovery Team of the Institute for Autonomous Intelligent Systems. From 1994 to 1996 he spent one and a half years at Carnegie Mellon University as a visiting scholar of Prof. Tom Mitchell.  

Last modified: 16.10.2002 <thorsten@joachims.org>.